Baird assures Canada’s ready for zombie invasion
OTTAWA — Rest assured Canadians, your government’s got your back should the undead decide to storm the borders and come after your brain. In response to a bizarre joke question from Winnipeg MP Pat...
View ArticleZombie apocalypse: Canada is prepared, Tony Clement hints
After the revelation that Canada is under-prepared for a Cylon invasion, Conservative MP Tony Clement hinted that Canada was in fact ready for a much more relevant threat: Zombies. Triggered by the...
View ArticleVideo: Zombies invade Vancouver streets
Living dead sporting blood splatterred bikinis, ripped shirts, neon tutus and grisly flesh wounds on display.
View ArticlePhiladelphia Flyers goalie Steve Mason sports cool zombie mask
Steve Mason got a second life last year, being traded from hockey waste-land Columbus to hockey hotbed Philadelphia. So what better way to pay homage to his rise-from-the-NHL-dead, than to commission a...
View ArticleTom Everett Scott talks new zombie show Z Nation (with video)
In the event of a zombie apocalypse, Tom Everett Scott has a plan: “Most zombies you can outrun — you’ve just got to keep their mouth away from you. Maybe buy a couple hockey masks.” Alas, the...
View ArticleWalking Dead boss Greg Nicotero promises gallons of gore
Give him an empty eyeball socket and he’ll swoon. A macerated muscle or brittle bone? They’re cause for delight. No doubt about it, Greg Nicotero loves talkin’ ’bout degeneration. The Walking Dead’s...
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